
Food Pantry at FSC

The food pantry is a major component of the Falmouth Service Center. ANY household in need from any zip code may register to become a client of the Falmouth Service Center and use the pantry weekly. Please read below for more registration information.

Once you are a registered household, you may choose from our selection of perishable and non-perishable items. Fresh produce, meat, dairy, household items and pet food are always available. If you or someone you know needs food assistance, we can help.

Every Monday, we publish our client choice “grocery list” by noon. The client choice “grocery list” shows all of the food that is available to our client households each week. Print out the list, select what you need and bring the list during our food distribution hours. Click the button below for this week’s list. You may also pick up a copy of the grocery list when you come for food during regular distribution hours that are posted at the bottom of this page.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL orders MUST be placed 10 minutes before closing time.

  • Orders on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday must be placed by 11:50 a.m.

  • Orders on Wednesday must be placed by 5:20 pm.

  • We cannot accept any orders after that time.

Important News (January 2025):

We began an expansion project in October. A portion of our building is now under construction. We will still be open for food distribution each week. But please note the following:

  • Please drive slowly at all times. We have a number of construction vehicles onsite.

  • Parking may be limited when you arrive for food distribution and there may be a wait to park.

  • It may take us longer to process your food order, particularly if you come during the first half hour we are open.

  • Please be patient with our staff and volunteers as we are working very hard to fill everyone’s food order in a timely manner. Thank you for your understanding.

The weekly grocery list will be posted on Mondays by 12pm, unless otherwise noted.


Senior Shopping Hours

Adults 60 and older can make an appointment to pick-up groceries every Thursday from 12:30-2:30 pm. This time slot is open only to those seniors that make an appointment.


I Need Food Assistance

How do I know if I qualify for food assistance from the Falmouth Service Center (FSC)? Any household in need from any zip code may become a client.

How Do I Register to Become a Client of the Falmouth Service Center?

If your household needs food, please register to become a client household. You may register by calling 508-548-2794, or in-person during food distribution, or by submitting our online registration form please click here.

To register, you will be asked to provide your name, date of birth, address, number of people in your household and additional demographic information.

We will need to see ONE of the following documents for EACH ADULT member of the household in order to verify your current address:

  • Your lease or mortgage statement, OR

  • A current bill or other piece of mail (All mail must be dated within the last 30 days), OR

  • Agency referral letter, OR

  • Car registration, OR

  • Any other current documentation with your name and address.

For a CHILD to be added to the account, we ask to see ONE of the following for each child:

  • MassHealth or health insurance card, OR

  • Birth certificate, OR

  • Passport, OR

  • Letter from child's school, OR

  • Custody papers.

PLEASE NOTE: Your household registration must be completed before you are eligible to pick up client choice groceries.

If you need information about other pantries across the Cape, click here for a list .

We love you guys and are very appreciative of your service to the community and our family
— A FSC Pantry Client

More Questions?

If you have more questions about the Food Pantry, please call us at (508) 548-2794.


If you are in need of food and you don't live near FSC, please visit the Greater Boston Food Bank website for a list of regional food pantries in your area.

We are a proud member agency of the Greater Boston Food Bank.