A Message from FSC’s Director: Fall 2024
Kerin Delaney, FSC’s Executive Director
Expanding to Meet the Needs of our Neighbors
Recently, I was outside during our food distribution and had the opportunity to chat with one of our clients, someone I hadn't seen in a long time. We exchanged a big hug and as we chatted, she shared that she wanted to let me know, “...what a blessing FSC has been to me.” She said that she really loved all of the fresh produce we had this summer from the local farms (see article inside about farming partnerships) and was always looking for new ways to cook with it. She brought tears to my eyes as she let me know that she had come to rely on coming here to stretch her budget and said again how much she saw the Falmouth Service Center as a blessing for herself and our community. Her outlook was so positive and joyful.
After I left her, I was thinking about the impact we have in our community each and every day, in both small and big ways. Whether it is a friendly greeting to welcome a client when they first arrive; providing fresh, healthy food options for families and individuals struggling with food insecurity; or helping a family to cover a month of mortgage while they tend to a gravely ill spouse; our work makes a direct difference to people's lives. All of you help us to make that difference whether you volunteer, donate, or share our information with a friend.
“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.”
To continue to meet the need we see in our community, we are always reviewing our services and programs. We are excited that this fall, we will be breaking ground on a much needed expansion, which will give us an additional 2,000 square feet of space and will allow us to offer more programs for our clients and bring more community partners into our building to offer their services. You can read more about our expansion campaign in the midsection of this newsletter.
In closing, I’m grateful to our volunteers who keep our programs running and to our generous community who supports us and believes in our work. In this newsletter, I hope you enjoy reading about our recent accomplishments, the impact of our volunteers and the many ways you can get involved too.
Thank you for helping us to create a safe, welcoming space for so many in our community who need us.