
Health Insurance

Massachusetts has several health insurance plans for individuals and families who are low income and do not have a health plan available to them through other means. Depending on your income and the size of your family, you may qualify for either MassHealth (our state’s Medicaid plan) or another plan via the Affordable Care Act.

How can I sign up for one of these health insurance plans?

We direct all of those interested in signing up for one of these health insurance plans to contact the Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, at 508-771-1727. They will be taking appointments and are working to get back to you as soon as possible to help you sign up for health insurance.

Who is eligible for MassHealth?

There are many different groups of people with low incomes who are eligible for MassHealth. All adults need to be citizens or have had a green card for 5 years or more in order to sign up. Children will need their birth certificate and their social security number to sign up. Children can get MassHealth even if their parents do not have social security numbers or a green card.

I believe I don’t qualify for MassHealth, what other plans are available?

There are a range of plans now available to individuals and families nationwide through the Affordable Care Act. Depending on your income, you may pay a monthly bill called a premium. Your premium costs are based on your income and the health plan you choose. The premium is a share of the costs for covering the care that you need. To learn more about the plans or what options are available to you, you can click here or come speak to one of our health insurance representatives during the times mentioned above.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about Health Insurance, please call us at (508) 548-2794.


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