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Holiday Programs
Do you need assistance this holiday season? We are here to help.
Since 1983, Falmouth Service Center, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit, has worked hand in hand with the community to educate, support, and improve the quality of life of Upper Cape residents in need. Individuals, schools, organizations, and the faith community contribute not only financial donations but also food, clothing, and other necessary goods to the Falmouth Service Center.
“The Service Center is truly a place where people can come if they need help or if they wish to be of help.”
We recognize the needs are as diverse as our clients. Our multi-service agency provides a range of services to Cape Cod households to help provide a safety net. A major component of the program is an extensive food pantry that clients may visit weekly. In addition, financial assistance is available to Falmouth residents who need housing assistance or help paying utilities.
There are people in Falmouth who cannot always afford to buy food, or to heat their home during the winter. There are people who live for days or weeks at a time with no electricity because they've fallen behind on their bills.
The elderly woman/man on a fixed income who lives across the street
Your next door neighbor whose husband left her with three small children
The families who have chronically ill children or are themselves struggling with incapacitating illness
The cafeteria worker at your child's school who is a single parent
The checkers and baggers at your local grocery store
The teacher assistant in your child's day care center
Your neighbor down the street who has been laid off and is having trouble meeting his/her mortgage payment
The waitress who holds two jobs to make ends meet
You or someone you love may have the need for assistance within the year. You can never know what will happen, but it's good to know we're here to help.